Tuesday, July 08, 2008

About every 2 years or so.

It seems to be the rhythm of my posting...
Thanks to Matt for reminding my of the 'horn'.
Also in response to the question I posed 2 years ago, he let me in on

Matthew 11:28-30 "Come to me all who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your soul. For My yoke is easy and my burden is light."

Good news, but as Matt pointed out that before rest comes, there seems to be a prerequisite of weariness. Crud.

Anyway, whatever this blog means, it's still around and here I am. Thanks to my friends who encourage me to keep going on, a little ridiculously sporadic, but whatever. Maybe I'll get back to it, maybe I'll write again in 2 years...

Friday, July 21, 2006

Quote from "The Imitation of Christ", Thomas A. Kempis

IT IS good for us to have trials and troubles at times, for they often remind us that we are on probation and ought not to hope in any worldly thing. It is good for us sometimes to suffer contradiction, to be misjudged by men even though we do well and mean well. These things help us to be humble and shield us from vainglory. When to all outward appearances men give us no credit, when they do not think well of us, then we are more inclined to seek God Who sees our hearts. Therefore, a man ought to root himself so firmly in God that he will not need the consolations of men.

When a man of good will is afflicted, tempted, and tormented by evil thoughts, he realizes clearly that his greatest need is God, without Whom he can do no good. Saddened by his miseries and sufferings, he laments and prays. He wearies of living longer and wishes for death that he might be dissolved and be with Christ. Then he understands fully that perfect security and complete peace cannot be found on earth.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Climb On!

Yeah, so it's my job to "save" kids.
Of course that's ridiculous, and nothing will ever happen if I believe that. I have to trust God everyday to simply function at my job. I'm a youth pastor, and the goals that I have in my job have absolutely nothing to do with an outward appearance of "success". I don't care "how many kids are in my youth group", which is odd because that's really the only question that anyone can ever think to ask. No one has ever asked if I have seen a significant amount of spiritual growth in any kids. The only question that's ever came close was recently: "Do you still find it rewarding?" Which was a tough question, because if that's the reason I do my job, I'd quit immediately and go build stuff, which is an easier place to see "progress". I understand the question and am certainly not offended by any means, but I truly believe the call that God puts in a life doesn't necessarily result in that good, "end of the day" contentment on a regular enough basis to sustain you.
What God wants us to look for, for our sustanance would be a faith and relationship with Him. God seems to simply call us for a task that's too great for us, then says He'll be with us every step of the way. "Equipping the called, as opposed to calling the equipped." as goes the cliche. What that results in is a life that is constantly being stretched, and pulled towards growth and always trust. It never seems to be easy. I'm still looking for the passage in the Bible that promises a life of ease. Seems to be elusive. If you know where it is, please let me in on it???
Anyway, that's all I have to say about that.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Not so far so good.

Well, I just remembered about this blog.
It's been darn near 2 years since I posted here.
Goes to show you that my 'experiment' is certainly a learning
experience. I've learned that in the last 2 years, I haven't been living
the life that I wanted to. You see, I want to push myself and explore some
writing that I (for some reason or another) feel like I should work on and hopefully
someday be good at. So, I haven't achieved anything in this regard, yet the thoughts
haven't disappeared over the last 2 years that this is something I should do.
So, maybe I'll try try again.

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Can music save your mortal soul and can you teach me how to dance real slow?

I teach kids how to play music and lead worship. Weird, cause I don't lead it myself. I have before, it's just that in prioritization, being part of a worship team has slipped away. I regret that and miss it quite a lot. I'm hoping that music will be as much a part of their life (here and there) as it is for me. Music has changed my life dramatically, often and constantly for most of my life. It has brought me out of depressions, given me hope, and an outlet for my need of expression. Don't misunderstand me, please, there is nothing mystic or magical about music. It would be more accurate to say that it is through music that God has revealed Himself. He has spoken encouragement through it, He has taught Bible lessons through it, and He has allowed me a closer connection with Him by my own writing of music and sharing other's music with them and with God.
I have had the dreams. You know, much like every little leaguer has hit that World Series homer. I have dreamt of being the guy, not so much a rock star, as a really famous worship leader. Again, Weird. What a contradiction. The daydream even went so far as to imagine myself fading from the limelight in exchange for the presence of God. I wanted to see the sea of worshipers, completely having forgotton about little ole me. What a self conflicting, ocean of irony. I want to have the experience, the one who is forgotton.
There are bands and worship leaders out there who live that odd dicotomy. No one who has worshipped at a Third Day concert could be convinced that it's just that those guys are really good at music. Delirious? is yet again the very essence of what we're talking about.
I think that part of the beauty that is a relationship with God is the chance to live and experience something that is so much greater than just me. It's so overwhelming to feel and be more than just myself. Christians really can experience more than just this suit of humanity. That's one of the coolest things, that there's more to me than just me.

Friday, August 20, 2004

Stream of Consciousness

You see, I want to walk the on the mountaintop with God.
I want to be at the point where everyday's steps are in line with what God has for me. What's more is that I want to walk so surely, that I might lead others there too. Not forcefully, but as a brother who marvels at what God does and who He is. God is so unbelievable. He's just too good for this world to comprehend. I think a lot of unbelief comes from the difficulty that we have with accepting a love so pure, so unselfish, so out of the realm of our experience. He is too good for us to understand. Another fount of unbelief is that God has chosen to use us to be His heralds. I'm a dumb dirty sinner, hoping to somehow influence a dumb dirty world. God has chosen to reveal Himself through me. Not the best marketing campaign...Surely it would be more effective to simply show off...split more seas, pillars of fire, that sort of thing.
Yet God has chosen me, and that reflects His nature, and His motives. He really is concerned about me. Not my comfort, not my ease of living. He's not satisfied with providing a life of leisure for me. He'll only be satisfied when I become who He's called me to be.
King David once wrote that God "strengthens me to draw a bow of bronze". That's nothing short of a miracle. Well, God wants the same for me. Coincidently, that's what He wants for you, too.
All the Love of God,

Thursday, August 19, 2004

Untempered Joy?

SS is a dear friend of mine, full of joy and energy. Full of life.
Her Dad passed away yesterday. Heart attack. I don't know any details, but apparently out of the blue.
I hate that.
James 1:2
Dear brothers and sisters, whenever trouble comes your way, let it be an opportunity for joy. For when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.

I'm sure that doesn't make sense to SS right now, but it's my prayer that it will.
My heart and prayers are with you, SS. We love you very much.
It's through suffering, trial, and hardships that we grow. Be excited, SS that you might grow, but be excited to see God redeem this tragedy.
May ye and He be near.
Much Love